All time popular house market industry reveals the trend analysis of house planning market in which 5.5 million existing houses were sold in the previous year and lakh of newly constructed home added to an account, to name a few real estate portals Realestateview, Allhomes or Movoto. Also added that which will increase to triple times as earlier by the upcoming year 2021. Naturally, the scope of the property listing website has huge scope. The people who were visiting Real Estate Website as taken an account of 36 million every year uniquely. So venturing a property listing website is the all-time money growth business plan in the current real estate industry trend.
In our Realestateview Clone Script, as a general visitor one can view real estate to buy, rent, or lease list in the home page. Register with site to meet enhanced user-friendly experience throughout the site. In the user, dashboard manage your account and profile details along with subscription plan. One can visit the property details and share your favorite properties through social media since our readymade website is social media integrated.
The user can post reviews to the properties available in the list. On the other hand through Movoto Clone Script user can upgrade their subscription plan to become a real estate agent, the admin will approve or deny the request. If you are interested in buying properties, you can choose numerous payment gateway and PayPal as default payment gateway also you can choose desired payment gateway as desired or the user can complete their remuneration by offline credit card or manually as pay on arrival.
Admin panel is dedicated to managing the user members and property details all at one place. Some of the salient features are membership plan, location management, payment preference, property listing, revenue model, clients, and agents detail etc. Since Allhomes Clone Script is we versed to deal with revenue pans, admin can set the number of revenue models like commission plan, membership plan, banner advertisements.
Our Allhomes script is responsive over multi-platform, designed with open source user-friendly navigation, Multilanguage and multicurrency support, real-time booking, cross-platform and more to dive deep. We at Php Scripts Mall offering a simple way to start your ecommerce website script within a minute through simple, fast and reliable for the startup entrepreneurs. We have made SEO friendly structure to ensure the ranking of the website according to the Google values.
We're specialized in designing Responsive website's that work. We've the proven experience and expertise in designing website that succeed by bringing in enquiries, which generate sales and are an asset to your business.
We are into building different various types of websites based on complete understanding of each business, target audiences and customers and relevant market. We always ensure that every solution that is developed here it is efficient in working and bring tangible results to our clients.
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