The advanced online Bus booking Script is developed for the general users or travelers to book their tickets online by using our efficient bus booking script, this script is one of the highly recommended booking script for the travels entrepreneurs to make their business online which results in high return on investment, the scope of the online bus booking is now high among the users to travel to the destination place by simply clicking the bus travels and seat which makes the efficient way of the booking management at affordable price, the script is planned with our experts who are specialized in hands experience in developing the scripts more than 15+ years. They have analyzed the major bus booking script and developed the major and efficient functionality into our bus booking script.
The PHP Bus Booking Script is developed with powerful and flexible open source php code, where the customization is made based on the user requirements.We have developed three login portals for the users or travelers, bus or travel owners, and the site admin, each portal has the authenticate login system where the unauthorized person can be prevented from this system. After making the successful completion of the login the user can find the booking functionality and features in two ways that the one way and another is the round trip travels, the user can make quick search booking by entering the date of journey, the source, and destination, then can search the buses.
The buses will be listed based on the user query, the user can select the bus by seeing the reviews of the buses experience, images and other details etc. The user can make the booking by paying the amount online transactions, then the tickets are sent through the respective user mail/SMS, we have also included the ticket cancellation functionality for the user to refund the tickets cancellation to the user bank or the wallet.
This Redbus clone is made with the mobile-friendly and user-friendly customization, the bus admin can post their travels images, bus details in brief and experience, by submitting the request to the admin, the bus admin has the better responsibilities to manage the bus, user management, location, travel and ticket management etc., with the reliable functionality and standard unique features and managing resources.
The Ticket booking script PHPhas another supreme portal that is the adminwhere all the site managingare controlled by theadmin,it has all the features which are integrated into the bus admin panel and also has the authority to grant permission for the user and bus admin request.This PHP Bus Booking Script is developed with user responsive and SEO-friendly customized site. It is the best way to get into the million dollar business industry.
In additionally with the script, we also offer 3 months technical support and 24x7 technical support team help with your solution.
We offers 3 months free support for our all products like Mass Mail script.
We always offer some brand free products here you can rename your brand name.
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